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Anna Artaker



28 posters arranged on the floor in three groups, digital prints on poster paper, A2 format (with Meike S. Gleim)

The programme of Haussmannisation taken up in the Arcades Project by Walter Benjamin – meaning the expansion and straightening the streets of Paris so that troops may patrol the streets and, at the same time, that the setting up roadblocks is more difficult – was and is used to control the population. Nevertheless, the Haussmannisation could not prevent the streets in Paris and elsewhere today, from becoming a predestined site for political and social events and thus a public space par excellence.

In the series of works STREET CARPET, aerial images of arteries from around the world are connected to form a branched network of roads. Thus, the different uses of roads overlap: the street as a place of transit and of traffic congestion, as well as of urban public life, political rallies, demonstrations or parades.