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Anna Artaker


(Struggle for remembrance), 2023

exhibition display with four intertwined rings with scrolling texts (with Iris Andraschek)

The installation RINGEN UM ERINNERUNG, consisting of four intertwined rings, hovers above the thematic area Remembering. The Nazi Past in the Present in the main exhibition of the House of Austrian History (hdgoe). The scrolling texts show quotes from current debates on remembrance, which are constantly updated. Each ring depicts an area:

1) statements by people who survived the Nazi terror

2) headlines from current controversies and scandals

3) answers from students who have dealt with the question "What is to be done?" in an on-site workshop

4) titles of contributions to the interactive web exhibition Memory culture of the Nazi past – sites and works in progress (

RINGEN UM ERINNERUNG (struggle for remembrance) was conceived on behalf of the hdgoe together with Iris Andraschek.